929 new features in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2024

150 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM FASTER ISNULL FUNCTION The IsNull function is faster in version 2024. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Better performance N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM 151 to 177 27 NEW SQL FUNCTIONS 27 new SQL functions are introduced in version 2024. VALUE Replaces a value with a constant value. LOREM_IPSUM Replaces a string with Lorem Ipsum text of a given length. NOISE Returns a value between -x% et +x% of the original value. PARTIAL Partially replaces the characters in a string. PROCEDURE AUses a procedure to mask data. RANDOM_DATE_BETWEEN Gets a random value in a date range. RANDOM_INT_BETWEEN Gets a random value in a range of integers. SQL spatial data functions ST_Area Returns the area covered by the shape. ST_Contains Returns True if shape A contains shape B, i.e. if every point in B is a point in A, and their interior contains a non-empty intersection. ST_CoveredBy Returns True if any point in shape A is in shape B. ST_Covers Returns True if any point in shape B is in shape A. ST_Crosses Returns True if the two shapes have some, but not all, of their inte- rior points in common. This intersection must also have a smaller dimension than that of the given shapes, and the intersection must not be equal to one of these shapes. ST_Difference Returns a shape representing the difference between 2 shapes. ST_Distance Returns the distance between the input shapes. In 2D, this corre- sponds to the Euclidean distance. For geographic shapes, returns the geodesic distance. ST_Equals Returns True if the input shapes are spatially equal, i.e. if shape A is within shape B and vice versa. ST_GeomFromText Returns a shape from a textual representation and a reference iden- tifier. ST_Intersection Returns a shape representing the entire area included in the two input shapes. ST_Intersects Returns True if the two input shapes have at least one point in com- mon. ST_Length Returns the length of a linear shape. For polygons and points, re- turns 0. For geographic shapes, the length is the sum of the lengths of the geodesics making up the shape. ST_MakePolygon Returns a polygon whose outer ring is the first shape entered, op- tionally with holes. ST_Overlaps Returns True if the intersection of the shapes results in a shape of the same size, but different from the source shapes. ST_Perimeter Returns the perimeter of the shape. On geographic shapes, this is equivalent to summing the length of the geodesics making up the shape’s contour. ST_Simplify Returns a simplified copy of the input shape using the Ramer-Doug- las-Peucker algorithm with the given tolerance. ST_SymDifference Returns a shape representing the non-intersecting parts of shapes A and B. ST_Touches Returns True if the shapes have at least one point of their exterior in common, without their interiors having a point in common. ST_Union Returns a shape representing the union of two shapes. The shapes are merged to produce a resultant shape with no overlap. ST_Within Returns True if the first shape is within the second shape. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Enriched SQL HFSQLDRIVE: YOUR HFSQL DATABASES IN THE CLOUD WITH 3 CLICKS HFSQLDrive can easily and immediately host your databases in the Cloud. A mobile app that stores data in the cloud is also at your disposal. Get it now to benefit from an attractive flat rate subscription. HFSQL CLUSTER 178 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM FASTER SYNCHRONIZATION A cluster synchronizes in real time, with the aim of keeping every node up to date, which improves resiliency and avoids errors caused by Windows updates. A cluster also optimizes read performance. In version 2024, HFSQL Cluster significantly improves synchroniza- tion performance when a node is restarted. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Better availability 179 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM MISCELLANEOUS • The WLanguage HCopyFile function is now available in Clus- ter mode. • Secure encryption support. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : More powerful and secure clustering 33 N e w f e a t u r e s i n W I ND E V 2 0 2 4 WE B D E V 2 0 2 4 W I ND E V Mo b i l e 2 0 2 4