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Product Native PostgreSQL Connector 25
Version 86A250052b
Version required WINDEV / WEBDEV 250083n and later
Date 02 de abril de 2020

This Native Connector is compatible with the client layers (libpq.dll / libpq.so) of PostgreSQL 8.3 and later.

WINDEV, WEBDEV, and WEBDEV Application Server for Windows:

  1. Download the module below.
    For Windows POSTGRESQL25PACK052b.exe
  2. Once the module has been downloaded, run the program in the download directory.
  3. See the online help of WINDEV or WEBDEV for more information on the Native PostgreSQL Connector.

WEBDEV Application Server for Linux:

  1. Download the module below.
    For Linux 32-bit POSTGRESQLLINUX25PACK052b.zip
    For Linux 64-bit POSTGRESQLLINUX25PACK64052b.zip
  2. Once the module has been downloaded, extract the archive and run "postgresql_install" on a Linux computer.
  3. See the online help of WINDEV or WEBDEV for more information on the Native PostgreSQL Connector.